Photographer Elzo Bonam once again did a great job recording this year’s event. Thanks, Elzo! The below selection provides a tour through the corridors, the Koninklijke Foyer, the Gijsbrecht Bordes and, above all, the Rabo Zaal of the Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, where John-Allan Namu delivered his speech. If you were there, you’ll feel the vibe again; if you couldn’t make it at least you’ll get a feel of what turned out to be a very, very successful 5th edition of the Nelson Mandela Lecture... Photographer Elzo Bonam once again did a great job recording this year’s event. Thanks, Elzo! The below selection provides a tour through the corridors,...

The Glimmers of Hope in the 2025 Nelson Mandela Lecture “The fight for Kenya’s and Africa’s soul is far from over. But for the first time in a long time, we, the people, are reclaiming who we are. We now remember what it means to fight for a better future. More importantly, we know what it feels like to win.” These words, the final paragraph of John-Allan Namu’s Nelson Mandela Lecture, delivered at the International Theatre Amsterdam on 16 February, preceded a standing ovation from the sold-out... The Glimmers of Hope in the 2025 Nelson Mandela Lecture “The fight for Kenya’s and Africa’s soul is far from over. But for the first time in a long time,...

English below Achtergronden bij het programma van de 5e ZAM Nelson Mandela Lezing Vertaalde teksten, zowel in Engels als Nederlands, alsmede een video-opname van dit programma, komen zo snel mogelijk online beschikbaar op “But, if needs be, for this ideal I am prepared to die” Het programma opent met een korte passage uit het 6 uur durende slotbetoog van Nelson Mandela tijdens het proces dat hem en 8 anderen in 1964 tot levenslange gevangenisstraffen veroordeelde. De foto is van... English below Achtergronden bij het programma van de 5e ZAM Nelson Mandela Lezing Vertaalde teksten, zowel in Engels als Nederlands, alsmede een...

(English below) Het is bijna zover … De 5e editie van de ZAM Nelson Mandela Lezing is er bijna: in het Internationaal Theater Amsterdam op zondag 16 februari! Kom luisteren naar een nietsontziende speech door de Keniaanse onderzoeksjournalist John-Allan Namu. Over de opkomst van een nieuw Afrikaans zelfbewustzijn, de schreeuw om verandering van opkomende, jonge protestbewegingen op het continent en de bouwstenen voor een nieuwe relatie tussen Afrika en Europa. Namu heeft een uitdagende en... (English below) Het is bijna zover … De 5e editie van de ZAM Nelson Mandela Lezing is er bijna: in het Internationaal Theater Amsterdam op zondag 16...

(English below) Het programma van de 5e editie van de ZAM Nelson Mandela Lezing op zondag 16 februari in het Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA) is bekend! John-Allan Namu | Fra Fra Sound | Mthunzi Mvubu | Adriaan van Dis | Femke Halsema | Ikenna Azuike Het woord is tijdens deze onweerstaanbare manifestatie van solidariteit aan de Keniaanse onderzoeksjournalist en opiniemaker John-Allan Namu . Kom luisteren naar een vlammend betoog over het oplaaiende verzet van veelal door ‘Generatie Z’... (English below) Het programma van de 5e editie van de ZAM Nelson Mandela Lezing op zondag 16 februari in het Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA) is...

ZAM’s 2025 Nelson Mandela Lecture event will, besides the main address by Kenyan investigative journalist John-Allan Namu, also feature a once-off performance of the legendary migration-themed song “Stimela”, composed by the late South African jazz great Hugh Masekela. The song, which portrays Black migrant workers who are separated from home, family and loved ones by an arduous train journey that ends at the cities’ coal mines, is especially relevant today as migration from poorer countries to... ZAM’s 2025 Nelson Mandela Lecture event will, besides the main address by Kenyan investigative journalist John-Allan Namu, also feature a once-off...

Evelyn Groenink
Editor-in-Chief of the courageous Africa Uncensored media platform, John-Allan Namu, is set to spotlight Africa’s struggles for justice at the 2025 ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture. As a Kenyan investigative journalist, Namu is well-acquainted with the horrors of power abuse, the machinations of genocidal politicians, the devastation wrought by climate change, and the forced migration of youth from nations misruled by uncaring, oppressive governments. Yet, while exposing wrongdoing, he also seeks... Editor-in-Chief of the courageous Africa Uncensored media platform, John-Allan Namu, is set to spotlight Africa’s struggles for justice at the 2025 ZAM...

[ text in Dutch below ] The 5th edition of the ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture promises to be an unmissable event! Enjoy an afternoon filled with inspiring stories, exceptional cultural performances, engaging public discussions, a book market, and unexpected encounters, all leading to a provocative and thought-provoking lecture by multi-award-winning Kenyan investigative journalist John-Allan Namu. Book your ticket now. Thirty-five years after Nelson Mandela’s release in February 1990, we honour the... [ text in Dutch below ] The 5th edition of the ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture promises to be an unmissable event! Enjoy an afternoon filled with inspiring...

[ tekst in Nederlands hieronder ] We are pleased to announce that the ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture will be going ahead next year on Sunday 16 February 2025 at the International Theatre Amsterdam. It will be delivered by the award winning Kenyan investigative journalist John-Allan Namu. The lecture will be embedded in a multifaceted programme under the motto Face Forward, a programme packed with performances, talks, exhibition and more. 35 years after Nelson Mandela's release in February 1990, ZAM... [ tekst in Nederlands hieronder ] We are pleased to announce that the ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture will be going ahead next year on Sunday 16 February 2025...

We proudly present the full registration of the speeches delivered by Marcus Tebogo Desando, Panashe Chigumadzi and Jerry Afriyie and the performances by Sites of Memory, Ntjam Rosie and the Soweto Skeleton Movers. We proudly present the full registration of the speeches delivered by Marcus Tebogo Desando, Panashe Chigumadzi and Jerry Afriyie and the performances by...

Investigative journalists visit the Face Forward festival Of course there were visa troubles. We had ensured the timely submission of all required paperwork, including proof that our guests’ stay would be temporary, but there were still headaches regardless. In Nigeria, Theophilus Abbah only got his passport back the day before travelling, while in Cameroon Elizabeth BanyiTabi found herself falsely accused of lying and failing to submit documents. The visa agency, which is contracted by European... Investigative journalists visit the Face Forward festival Of course there were visa troubles. We had ensured the timely submission of all required...

An unforgettable event! On Sunday February 5th 2023, many, many speakers and listeners, performers and public, change-makers and creatives joined us in the International Theatre Amsterdam for FACE FORWARD – stories for change. With all the talks, meet & greets, performances, books, art and films, as well as the 4th edition of the ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture, the festival offered a banquet of thought-provoking perspectives and artistic excellence, from Africa and beyond. Thanks to all who showed up... An unforgettable event! On Sunday February 5th 2023, many, many speakers and listeners, performers and public, change-makers and creatives joined us in...

It is ten years since Nelson Mandela’s passing in 2013. Mandela dedicated his life to the fight for freedom, self-determination and equality. His urgent ideals inspire FACE FORWARD - stories for change, a festival of talks, meet & greets, music, art, dance and films, as well as the fourth edition of the ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture, which this year will be presented by three inspiring thinkers; Panashe Chigumadzi (Zimbabwe), Marcus Tebogo Desando (South Africa) and Jerry Afriyie (Netherlands/Ghana).... It is ten years since Nelson Mandela’s passing in 2013. Mandela dedicated his life to the fight for freedom, self-determination and equality. His urgent...

RABOZAAL 15:30 – 16:45 | The ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture and Cultural Programme. Opening: Alderman Touria Meliani, Amsterdam Alderman for Arts & Culture, Speakers: Panashe Chigumadzi (Zimbabwe), Marcus Desando (South Africa) and Jerry Afriyie (Netherlands/Ghana). Host: Ikenna Azuike. Performances by Ntjam Rosie, Soweto Skeleton Movers and Sites of Memory with Jennifer Tosch, Jomecia Oosterwolde, Houda Bibouda, Jörgen Gario & Jahcysha Boschman. More info here . Ajaxfoyer All day | Mandela’s speech... RABOZAAL 15:30 – 16:45 | The ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture and Cultural Programme. Opening: Alderman Touria Meliani, Amsterdam Alderman for Arts & Culture,...

Sunday 5 February, 2023 12.30 - 13.30 | Koninklijke Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Joumana El Zein Khoury, Els Barents, Farren van Wyk. Host: Ikenna Azuike House of Bondage became an instant bestseller when it was first published in 1967. The photographs by Ernest Cole, himself born in South Africa, pictured how life really looked in apartheid’s cruel systems of legal racism, humiliation and exploitation. The book was immediately banned in South Africa and Ernest Cole fled into exile,... Sunday 5 February, 2023 12.30 - 13.30 | Koninklijke Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Joumana El Zein Khoury, Els Barents, Farren van Wyk. Host:...

Sunday 5 February, 2023 12.345 - 13.30 | Plein Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Elizabeth BanyiTabi (Cameroon), Ngina Kirori (Kenya), Emmanuel Mutaizibwa (Uganda), Theophilus Abbah (Nigeria). Host: Bram Vermeulen. A new generation of African investigative journalists is exposing repression, abuse of power and self-enrichment, often while working under difficult and dangerous circumstances. What have they uncovered in their work? And how do their stories contribute to the growing movements for... Sunday 5 February, 2023 12.345 - 13.30 | Plein Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Elizabeth BanyiTabi (Cameroon), Ngina Kirori (Kenya), Emmanuel...

Sunday 5 February, 2023 14.15 - 15.15 | Koninklijke Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Marja Vuijsje, Farhad Goliardy, Mardjan Seighali, Bart Luirink & Zhinia Noorian . Gespreksleider Bahram Sadeghi. Het verzet tegen een repressief regime is er een van alle tijden. Toen schrijver Marja Vuijsje bezig was met haar boek Volgend jaar in Iran zag ze duidelijke overeenkomsten tussen de strijd tegen Apartheid in Zuid-Afrika en de strijd die nu plaatsvindt in Iran: apartheid (niet op basis van ras maar... Sunday 5 February, 2023 14.15 - 15.15 | Koninklijke Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Marja Vuijsje, Farhad Goliardy, Mardjan Seighali, Bart Luirink...

Sunday 5 February, 2023 14.00 - 15.00 | Plein Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Ernestine Comvalius gaat in gesprek met beeldend kunstenaar Patricia Kaersenhout en Junior Mthombeni, acteur, muzikant en maker van (onder andere) het toneelstuk Dear Winnie. Kaersenhout ontleende aan dit stuk inspiratie voor haar Ode aan Winnie. A Portrait of Love and Revolution . In een briefwisseling met Junior voor het Belgische kunstmagazine RektoVerso schrijft ze dit: ‘De scène uit Dear Winnie, de... Sunday 5 February, 2023 14.00 - 15.00 | Plein Foyer, International Theatre Amsterdam Ernestine Comvalius gaat in gesprek met beeldend kunstenaar Patricia...

How do African theater artists see the world? What themes preoccupy them? What is the state of the (growing) arts sector in Africa? These and more questions form the basis of this program, presented by Afrovibes, the foundation hosting the annual festival of the most exciting, provocative and contemporary ideas and shows connecting artists, empowering people. Ms. Aba, a writer and singer/songwriter (among many others), facilitates the conversation with Pim Deul, Jay Pather, Marjorie Boston. Film... How do African theater artists see the world? What themes preoccupy them? What is the state of the (growing) arts sector in Africa? These and more...

[ Text in Dutch below ] Despite a decade passing since Nelson Mandela left us, we continue to celebrate his life and his values of freedom, self-determination and equality. This year’s festival features talks, meetings and performances, all alongside the annual ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture. This year's ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture will be delivered by three speakers, each with their own connection to Mandela and each strongly reflective of his ideals. The speakers are Marcus Desando (South Africa),... [ Text in Dutch below ] Despite a decade passing since Nelson Mandela left us, we continue to celebrate his life and his values of freedom,...

Bijzondere vertoningen van twee indringende documentaires: The State against Nelson Mandela and the Others en A New Country. Beide films werpen nieuw licht op de recente geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika. 15:00 uur A New Country , Sifiso Khanyile - 60 minuten In A New Country van Sifiso Khanyile uit 2020 reflecteert de filmmaker op de ontwikkelingen in zijn geboorteland, na dertig jaar democratie. Hoe ziet het land eruit, sinds het in 1994 na een lange strijd was verlost van het apartheidsregime. De... Bijzondere vertoningen van twee indringende documentaires: The State against Nelson Mandela and the Others en A New Country. Beide films werpen nieuw...