Press release/persbericht | Book launch | Recommendations | Reviews | Bio author | The African Tabloid | Events Press release (English & Dutch) Recently released: The Complicit Camera As soon as a photograph enters the public domain, the original intentions of its maker seem to disappear from sight. This creates an image economy, more than an image culture. And that culture is still dominated by white, Western perceptions. Find the press release here . Download images from the book for press...
Press release/persbericht | Book launch | Recommendations | Reviews | Bio author | The African Tabloid | Events Press release (English & Dutch) Recently...
Your ongoing support enables African changemakers and creatives to work with even greater vigour in building fair and free societies for the future. To agitate against abuse of power and theft. And to shape a vision of a new relationship between Africa and Europe based on equality and autonomy. In the sixteen years of our existence, ZAM has developed a unique solidarity model that connects globally renowned artists and African creative thinkers. Artists donate their work to ZAM which we in turn...
Your ongoing support enables African changemakers and creatives to work with even greater vigour in building fair and free societies for the future. To...
The following (investigative) journalists, writers, visual artists, photographers, curators, speakers, panellists, opinion makers, designers, editors, directors and others have contributed to ZAM online and print media, events, projects and exchanges. If you want to connect to people in our network, please send a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloakeb34685d41ddf2961c0c61d558d4b146').innerHTML = ''; var...
The following (investigative) journalists, writers, visual artists, photographers, curators, speakers, panellists, opinion makers, designers, editors,...
ZAM’s Mission To visualize and give form to a new, future relationship between Africa and the West. ZAM is imagining a world with no ‘them’ and ‘us’. Vision To connect, publicise and celebrate a new generation of African future makers in investigative journalism, photography, writing, arts and thought leadership. Objectives ZAM serves as a platform to introduce the work of African creatives to international audiences. ZAM introduces new perspectives and thinking in African countries into public...
ZAM’s Mission To visualize and give form to a new, future relationship between Africa and the West. ZAM is imagining a world with no ‘them’ and ‘us’....
Hoe beinvloedt fotografie ons beeld en begrip van het Afrikaanse continent? Die vraag staat centraal in Het Vertekende Beeld . Als fotograaf heb ik het voorrecht gehad om in ongeveer dertig landen op het Afrikaanse continent te werken. Gedurende een periode van vijfentwintig jaar is mijn benadering van fotografie in dit uitgestrekte en complexe werelddeel net zo ingrijpend veranderd als het continent zelf. Terugkijkend zie ik in mijzelf een naïeve en jeugdige fotograaf, nogal behept met een "white...
Hoe beinvloedt fotografie ons beeld en begrip van het Afrikaanse continent? Die vraag staat centraal in Het Vertekende Beeld . Als fotograaf heb ik het...
Imagine Mandela | Meerjaren Projectplan 2021-25
Imagine Mandela | Meerjaren Projectplan 2021-25
Media contact: Laurens Nijzink | 0614585456 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloakeaf335e80314851be00a8ca380909ced').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addyeaf335e80314851be00a8ca380909ced = 'laurens' + '@'; addyeaf335e80314851be00a8ca380909ced = addyeaf335e80314851be00a8ca380909ced + 'zammagazine' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_texteaf335e80314851be00a8ca380909ced =...
Media contact: Laurens Nijzink | 0614585456 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....
Download our Press Release (in Dutch) here . Read about the programme for the festival here . Read about the festival's history here. DIGITAL ASSETS Festival Programme/Blokkenschema | right click the image to download Festival's Official Artwork | right click the image to download Programme pictures | right click the image to download ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture Talk | Ode aan Winnie. A Portrait of Love & Revolution Talk | Apartheid South Africa. Ernest Cole’s House of Bondage Talk | Cry Freedom....
Download our Press Release (in Dutch) here . Read about the programme for the festival here . Read about the festival's history here. DIGITAL ASSETS...
With the support of PostNL, ZAM is happy to present the Nelson Mandela Lecture Stamp. This collector’s item is for sale from the day of the Lecture, 10 February 2019, in a limited edition of 1000. The design of the stamp is created by Ruiter Janssen. It is based on Marlene Dumas’ Portrait of a Young Nelson Mandela (2007). In 2008, this artwork was given to Mandela as a gift for his 90th Birthday. A special print of the work in an edition of 250 was sold in support of ZAM Magazine. order
With the support of PostNL, ZAM is happy to present the Nelson Mandela Lecture Stamp. This collector’s item is for sale from the day of the Lecture, 10...
INHOUD Annelies Verbeke | AFRIKA Vamba Sherif | ZWART-WIT VERLIEFD! Mbella Sonne Dipoko | BLACK AND WHITE IN LOVE | Vertaling: Han van der Vegt Lisa Thunnissen | SPAANSE SPOREN IN DE SUB-SAHARA Ángela Nzambi | PANTEROGEN | Vertaling: Lisa Thunnissen Nassor Hillal Kharusi | GEDICHTEN UIT HISIA ZANGU | Vertaling: Emma Crebolder Vamba Sherif | HET GEDACHTEGOED VAN NGUGI WA THIONG’O Mukoma wa Ngugi | DE NIEUWE BETEKENIS VAN DECOLONIZING THE MIND | Vertaling: Ans van Kersbergen Tom van de Voorde | DE...
INHOUD Annelies Verbeke | AFRIKA Vamba Sherif | ZWART-WIT VERLIEFD! Mbella Sonne Dipoko | BLACK AND WHITE IN LOVE | Vertaling: Han van der Vegt Lisa...
Dear Reader, Our stories, investigations and events bring you the best in African journalism, photography, arts & opinion. The 700+ members of our network of African creatives want you to know what impact these stories generate in addressing crucial issues. Your support is vital to their work! Only last week the Centre of Research of Multinational Co-operations (SOMO) confirmed the conclusions of an investigation into the bad practices of Fairtrade in the West-African cocoa industry, published in...
Dear Reader, Our stories, investigations and events bring you the best in African journalism, photography, arts & opinion. The 700+ members of our...
Amsterdam, 20 december 2016 Dear friend of ZAM, ZAM promotes and supports a new generation of African change makers. Following in the footsteps of Nelson Mandela, the investigative journalists, thinkers, photographers and activists in our network are at the forefront of struggles against the abuse of power, deceitful propaganda, corruption and human rights violations in over fifty African countries. They shape the future of the continent through their active resistance, their speaking of truth to...
Amsterdam, 20 december 2016 Dear friend of ZAM, ZAM promotes and supports a new generation of African change makers. Following in the footsteps of Nelson...
Laten wij geZAMenlijk ZAM sterker maken! Amsterdam, 1 december 2016 Geachte heer / mevrouw, Dit is een dringende oproep om ZAM te steunen. Door samen met ons ZAM sterker te maken steunt u de groep Afrikaanse vernieuwers die zélf de toekomst willen bepalen – zoals ooit Nelson Mandela. Een nieuwe generatie die machtsmisbruik, corruptie en schending van mensenrechten aan de kaak stelt. Het netwerk van ZAM verenigt journalisten, kunstenaars, vrijdenkers en schrijvers. Mensen die laten zien hoe het...
Laten wij geZAMenlijk ZAM sterker maken! Amsterdam, 1 december 2016 Geachte heer / mevrouw, Dit is een dringende oproep om ZAM te steunen. Door samen met...
Data privacy is of high importance for ZAM and we want to be open and transparent with our processing of your personal data. We therefore have a policy setting out how your personal data will be processed and protected. 1. Who is the controller of your personal data? Stichting ZAM-net (“ZAM") is the controller of the personal data you submit to us and responsible for your personal data under applicable data protection law. 2. What data do we collect? Registration and Account Information....
Data privacy is of high importance for ZAM and we want to be open and transparent with our processing of your personal data. We therefore have a policy...
Partnerships African Investigative Publishing Collective (AIPC) | Afrovibes | Ake Arts and Book Festival | AKA, Festival voor het Afrikaans | Black Heritage Tours | City Press , Johannsburg | Curve BNO, Mags & More, design | De Balie , Amsterdam | Designserver , web technology | Drongo Festival | Framer Framed | Galerie 23 | Galerie Sanaa | IDFA | Imagine Afrique | International Institute for Social History (IISG) , Amsterdam | Juul van der Laan , filmmaker | KesselsKramer | Lloyd Hotel | Maandblad...
Partnerships African Investigative Publishing Collective (AIPC) | Afrovibes | Ake Arts and Book Festival | AKA, Festival voor het Afrikaans | Black...
Doorklik naar oproep steun ZAM Doorklik naar 'Overeenkomst periodieke Gift ZAM'
Doorklik naar oproep steun ZAM Doorklik naar 'Overeenkomst periodieke Gift ZAM'
ZAM wil muren afbreken, het zicht verrijken, tot de kern doordringen, het begrip vergroten en ja, de angst voor het vreemde te lijf. Dat doen we met publicaties als deze, steun aan Afrikaanse onderzoeksjournalistiek, het tot stand brengen van samenwerkingen tussen mensen ‘hier’ en ‘daar’ en tal van andere activiteiten. ZAM wordt gevoed door een snel groeiend netwerk van Afrikaanse onderzoekers, creatieven en activisten. Terecht verlangen zij dat hún vrije producties, visies en commentaren...
ZAM wil muren afbreken, het zicht verrijken, tot de kern doordringen, het begrip vergroten en ja, de angst voor het vreemde te lijf. Dat doen we met...
Op 14 januari 2014, een maand na zijn begrafenis, verscheen ‘De Toekomst van Nelson Mandela’. Deze uitgave bevat unieke beelden en bijzondere teksten van Adriaan van Dis, Marlene Dumas, Berend Strik, Douglas Foster, Bram Vermeulen, Eli Weinberg, Zapiro, Jurgen Schadeberg, Coen Stork, Ineke van Kessel, Ed van Thijn, Evelien Groenink, Daniel Koning, Kadir van Lohuizen, Sander Veeneman, Lieve Joris, Conny Braam, Gerda Havertong, Anton Corbijn en Ingrid Jonker. De editie werd ontwikkeld door Bart...
Op 14 januari 2014, een maand na zijn begrafenis, verscheen ‘De Toekomst van Nelson Mandela’. Deze uitgave bevat unieke beelden en bijzondere teksten van...
Download de cover van de Mandela Bewaar Editie (PDF, 825 KB)
Download de cover van de Mandela Bewaar Editie (PDF, 825 KB)
Stichting ZAM-net / ZAM Foundation De Stichting is gevestigd op Tussen de Bogen 66, 1013 BJ Amsterdam. Telefoon: 020-531 84 97. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak0c106b8b840b13735861a1454d707f87').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy0c106b8b840b13735861a1454d707f87 = 'info' + '@'; addy0c106b8b840b13735861a1454d707f87 =...
Stichting ZAM-net / ZAM Foundation De Stichting is gevestigd op Tussen de Bogen 66, 1013 BJ Amsterdam. Telefoon: 020-531 84 97. E-mail: This email...