Today we release Apartheid Revisited! This interactive web application explores the whereabouts of white oppression in South Africa, its European/Dutch roots and the relevance of an 'old' story for today. With divisions between people – walls, borders, exclusion, restrictions – omnipresent one wonders: is Apartheid really history?
How did this evil system enforcing hatred and racism by law work? Who was behind it? What did the human destruction look like? When and where did it happen and how did it come to an end?
Apartheid Revisited is a project that was initiated by graphic designer Ruiter Janssen. It came to life in close collaboration with ZAM and Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken (A/BZ) with the financial support of the Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.
Check out the production and share on your (social) media pages!
Read also
De Correspondent by Maite Vermeulen. (Dutch)