Humans adapt, move and connect. Environments change, landscapes can be challenging, and infrastructure is expected to support it all. An exhibition, on view only for one day at the 5th edition of the ZAM Nelson Mandela Lecture on February 16 in Amsterdam, gets into testing the relationship between humans, environment and infrastructure as climate change worsens, affecting those who are on the periphery -the vulnerable- the most.
The beautiful Western Cape in South Africa is a home to incredible communities and culture; to people who despite their challenges are finding ways to survive. This exhibit by Gulshan Khan and Charlotte Scheerens is a story about strength and resilience.
- Gulshan Khan is a South African photojournalist and visual artist. She has published in The National Geographic, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Guardian.
- Conceptualisation and production of the exhibit is in the hands of Charlotte Scheerens, a Belgian health sociologist and coordinator of the CliMigHealth network.
Information about the exhibition and background with the pictures here.